Search Results for Y S GALSKY
Composer: Lassen, Work: No to byl sonLassen[It was a dream (Es war ein Traum)], Performer: Y S GALSKY, Date: 30-10-11
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: Y S GALSKY
- CatNum: X-2-62938
- Num: 16143
- Date: 30-10-11
- Title: No to byl son
- Composer: Lassen
- Trans: [It was a dream (Es war ein Traum)]
Composer: Plotnikov, Work: Sladkim zapakhom sireni, romansPlotnikov[The sweet scent of lilac, Romance], Performer: Y S GALSKY, Date: 30-10-11
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: Y S GALSKY
- CatNum: X-2-62939
- Num: 16144
- Date: 30-10-11
- Title: Sladkim zapakhom sireni, romans
- Composer: Plotnikov
- Trans: [The sweet scent of lilac, Romance]
Work: Avraham, Avraham, evreyskaya narodnaya pesnya[Abraham, Abraham, Jewish folk song], Performer: Y S GALSKY, Date: 30-10-11
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: Y S GALSKY
- CatNum: X-2-62964
- Num: 16145
- Date: 30-10-11
- Title: Avraham, Avraham, evreyskaya narodnaya pesnya
- Trans: [Abraham, Abraham, Jewish folk song]
Composer: Puccini, Work: Toska: Ariya KavaradossiPuccini[La Tosca: Aria Cavaradossi], Performer: Y S GALSKY, Date: 30-10-11
Catalogue: Kelly
- Performer: Y S GALSKY
- Num: 16146
- Date: 30-10-11
- Title: Toska: Ariya Kavaradossi
- Composer: Puccini
- Trans: [La Tosca: Aria Cavaradossi]
Composer: Grechaninov, Work: Kolybelnaya pesnyaGrechaninovCradle song, Performer: Y S GALSKY, Date: -11-11
Catalogue: Kelly, Russian HMV
- Performer: Y S GALSKY
- Venue: Moscow
- CatNum: 4-22732
- Num: 16194b
- Date: -11-11
- Title: Kolybelnaya pesnya
- Composer: Grechaninov
- Trans: Cradle song
- Note: P 598